Global Fair Trade


Jesus is Lord (refer The Gospel), and as Lord,
Jesus is no less than the (true) CEO and Shareholder of Australia’s Supermarket chains.

This reality will be explored onstage (refer The Future in the Present), for communication and education.

The Plan

Development Phase (Semester 1)

Participation and contribution is sought from:

  1. Month 1-2.
    Graphic design students to create the logo for Australia’s combined supermarket chains.  Complete.
    (DramaBody to produce 250+ supermarket business cards based on the logo.  Complete.)
  2. Month 3.
    The Fair Trade Collective (FTC) – to be handed business cards – are asked to summarise what the CEO and Shareholder should do.
    (The student FTC is no longer around, please refer instead to,
  3. Month 4-5.
    Appropriate business studies students asked to summarise how the CEO and Shareholder should implement Fair Trade.
    (Insufficient participation with the finance and management streams).
    DramaBody to focus on forming appropriate partnerships with existing organsiations.
    David to self-write the business content.

Performance Phase (Semester 2)

Participation and contribution is sought from:

  1. Month 1-3.
    Creative writing program students to write the script, based on the summaries of the business studies students.
  2. Month 2-5.
    Multimedia students to create the stage setting, based on the script.
    Audio visual students.
  3. Month 3-5.
    Actors to learn and perform in the play.


The performance is to be conscious of:

  • People in the developing world who have been impacted both positively and negatively by various systems of globalisation (and other associated factors such as national debt), and
  • People in Melbourne (e.g. people who have been unable to afford Fair Trade products.)

The project deals with contemporary themes in Christian theology (e.g. “What is the gospel?”, “What is the Christian hope?”, and of “New creation coming to birth amid the old creation.”).

The performance is for a live audience, and also for publishing online.